🦙 How to chat with LLama3

We all know about the potential of AI/LLMs right now.

Thanks to LLama3, there is now a quite powerful option for local use.

It is mind-blowing how much knowledge fits into just 5 GB.

That's why I wrote this short post of how to install it, so that you can try it out yourself. (Provided your computer has a sufficiently large GPU.)


  1. Download and install Ollama from ollama.com/download.

  2. Open a terminal and type:

    ollama run llama3
  3. Now you can chat in the terminal. 🎉

Adding a user interface

  1. Try AnythingLLM, which can be downloaded here: useanything.com
  2. Run the command
    OLLAMA_HOST= ollama serve
    (if the port 11434 is not free, change it to another number).
  3. At startup, select:
    1. LLM Provider: Ollama
    2. Ollama Base URL: (use same number as before)
    3. Chat Model Selection: llama3:latest
    4. Token context windows: 4096 (or smaller)
    5. Select AnythingLLM Built-In for Transcription Provider and Embedder Preferences.
  4. Chat. 💁

Integration with Obsidian

  1. Install the community plugin Smart Second Brain
    1. Select llama3 as Chat Model in the plugin configuration:
    2. Run
      OLLAMA_HOST= OLLAMA_ORIGINS="app://obsidian.md*" ollama serve
      to start the ollama server. (The port 11434 might be used, try another port in that case and change the plugin settings accordingly!)
    3. In Obsidian, run the command Smart Second Brain: Open Chat.
    4. At first install, it will ask you questions. Pick: llama3, the right port (as above) and nomic-embed-text.
  2. Chat with your notes. 📚

Example of using Smart Second Brain on my notes. It is a bit hit & miss to be honest. One can play with the creativity/similarity sliders to get better results. But the output is often just wrong. 🙅‍♀️